West 110th Street
Manhattan, NY.
Facade Repairs Program.
Built in 1908, this Renaissance Revival style apartment building has a U-Shaped tripartite
facade, which features a rusticated stone base, buff brick laid in Flemish bond, balconies with
historic metal railings, and various decorative treatments of the fenestration that are
characteristic of the style. Of particular note are the granite escutcheons flanking the light court, decorative metal window railings at the 2nd and 12th stories, the intermediate cornice with
fluted frieze incorporating the tenth-story windows, and the molding crowned by cartouches and row of escutcheons at the roof line. The deep light court facing Cathedral Parkway contains
the building; entrance and is partially articulated with decorative brickwork and terracotta
Our team will restore this landmarked building constructed circa 1909. The project will include replacement of broken terracotta segments along the cornice, walls and window headers. Other repairs include waterproofing of the metal water tables, replacement of deteriorated brick units, cladding of damaged bulkheads, application of water repellents and repointing of damaged mortar joints.